wellness from within

Injuries and Pain


Pain is a warning signal from the brain.

The Harmonic Egg® uses amplified energy resonance along with the body’s own energy to balance and calm it, and its natural bioenergetic healing to relieve pain and promote overall physical health. As a result, we have seen significant pain relief, reduced inflammation, and overall improvement in physical healing among clients who seek resonant chamber energy therapy.

The Harmonic Egg® works well for clients who suffer from:

– Chronic pain
– Migraines,
– Fibromyalgia
– Phantom limb pain.

It also relieves pain caused by overexertion, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow. It can also help you with pain in your neck, knees, back, shoulders, feet, elbows, and thighs.

The unique bioarchitecture, acoustics and sacred geometry shape of the Harmonic Egg® has great power to send healing resonant frequencies and reach the nucleus of your cells, helping to restore the memory of the damaged cell.

Harmonic Egg® sessions

Harmonic Egg® sessions have a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, hypertension and breathing. Therefore, do not be surprised that recovery time and medications, including sedation and pain relief, are significantly reduced.

Book the session you want

One Session

For those people who already know about the Harmonic Egg® but want a session.

Duration: 50 minutes.

Release Pack

Book 3 sessions in our Harmonic Egg® and allow a great change in your life.

Duration: 50 minutes.


Book 5 sessions in our Harmonic Egg® and find the path to transformation.

Duration: 50 minutes.


Book 10 sessions in our Harmonic Egg® and feel the metamorphosis in your being.

Duration: 50 minutes.

the live experience

Changing the frequency of humanity, one soul at a time

In all your sessions you WILL DETOX on a physical, mental and above all emotional level! Fears, traumas, worries and toxic emotions whether you are aware of them or not… Get them out of your system. In a 50-minute session at the Harmonic Egg you can achieve this cleansing or “release” with great benefits for your health!


Statements made or services provided through this website or by the Company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials about the technology are given voluntarily and do not represent the views of the Company. The services provided by the Company are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.