Wellness from within

What to expect from your first session at the Harmonic Egg®
First, you will receive an email confirming your appointment and a receipt for your purchase. You will also receive another email with the information below, as well as a link to the confidential documentation to fill out.
Please take a few minutes with this to answer the questions, as your answers will help us better determine what music and colors will be most beneficial to use in your session.
What to Wear to Your Harmonic Egg® Session Plan to dress comfortably for your session. In the summer months, you may want to wear light pants and a comfortable shirt. We will provide you with a light blanket if you would like one while inside the pod. We also ask that you refrain from wearing perfumes or colognes. Metal, including jewelry, must be removed for the session. We have a comfortable chair and a table in the Egg room to place your personal belongings. Cell phones and drinks are not allowed on the Harmonic Egg®, and we will also ask you to remove your shoes.
How sessions work on the Harmonic Egg®
When you arrive for your session, we will spend a few minutes going over your intake form and discussing your goals for your health and setting an intention for the session.
You will spend 50 minutes in the Harmonic Egg®: 40 minutes of music and 10 minutes of silence. It doesn’t matter if you listen to music, meditate or sleep, and it doesn’t matter if you keep your eyes open or closed. The 10 minute quiet time gives your body time to start to integrate and begin the rebalancing/resetting process. Plan to spend approximately 60-70 minutes in the Center.
You are likely to experience positive feelings after your sessions:
– Feeling lighter
– Feeling happy or blissful
– Increased energy / can take over the world
– Feeling reflective
You may also experience some possible uncomfortable feelings:
– Moodily
– Emotional
– Slow or tired
– Pain/flu symptoms
– Joint pain
Some people smell a scent after their session. This is not to cause alarm, it simply indicates that your body is releasing toxins. These are all signs that the session is working. If you notice uncomfortable detox symptoms, KNOW that you will start to feel better as your body releases toxins that may have been stored in your body for a long time. Be kind to yourself and trust your body’s process.
La hidratación adecuada
Su sesión de Harmonic Egg ayudará a su cuerpo a desintoxicarse, pero se necesita una hidratación adecuada para mover las toxinas a lo largo y fuera del cuerpo. Al usar estas frecuencias, los resultados mejoran al beber 60 o más onzas de agua al día durante cinco días.
La hidratación adecuada es vital para la desintoxicación. También se recomienda enriquecer periódicamente el agua con electrolitos de alta calidad. Los electrolitos Superieur de alta calidad se pueden comprar en Realign Your Life Wellness Center después de la sesión o en línea en nuestro sitio web próximamente.
¿Cuántas sesiones en el Harmonic Egg® puedo hacer?
Cada persona es diferente, por lo que el número de sesiones depende de las necesidades específicas de la persona y se puede determinar después de la primera sesión.
Si realmente quiere comprometerse con su salud, le recomendamos que se inscriba en 3 a 10 sesiones para obtener los resultados más efectivos. Lo mejor es hacer una sesión cada semana para la cantidad de sesiones que seleccionó. Esto le da a su cuerpo tiempo para integrarse, desintoxicarse y reiniciarse.
Reprograme cualquier trabajo de energía como masajes, acupuntura y reiki para 3 días antes y 5 días después de realizar una sesión de Harmonic Egg®. Cada una de estas modalidades de sanación energética necesita tiempo para integrarse, así que honre su viaje de sanación.

Over the next few days, it will be important to take care of yourself, get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods, and drink plenty of water. These are essential so that your body can integrate the light, sound, frequency and vibrations of the Harmonic Egg.

Harmonic Egg® sessions
In Harmonic Egg® sessions they have a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, hypertension and breathing. So don’t be surprised that recovery time and medications, including sedation and pain relief, are significantly reduced.

Book the session you want
One Session
For those people who already know about the Harmonic Egg® but want a session.
Duration: 50 minutes.
Release Pack
Book 3 sessions in our Harmonic Egg® and allow a great change in your life.
Duration: 50 minutes.
Book 5 sessions in our Harmonic Egg® and find the path to transformation.
Duration: 50 minutes.
Book 10 sessions in our Harmonic Egg® and feel the metamorphosis in your being.
Duration: 50 minutes.
the live experience
Changing the frequency of humanity, one soul at a time
In all your sessions you WILL DETOX on a physical, mental and above all emotional level! Fears, traumas, worries and toxic emotions whether you are aware of them or not… Get them out of your system. In a 50-minute session at the Harmonic Egg you can achieve this cleansing or “release” with great benefits for your health!
Statements made or services provided through this website or by the Company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials about the technology are given voluntarily and do not represent the views of the Company. The services provided by the Company are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.