Wellness from within
Harmonic Egg®

The medicine of the future will be in Miami for you.
The Harmonic Egg® is a patented technology that transmits the frequencies of light, sound and color to the body in a resonance chamber, designed in the shape of a dodecahedron and incorporating Tesla’s mathematics, sacred geometry and the golden ratio within its construction.
In the Harmonic Egg® the client relaxes by leaning back in a “zero gravity” chair while being embraced by soft and soothing light, sound and vibration. As the energy vibration builds within the chamber, it connects with the participant’s autonomic nervous system to allow for natural healing of mind, body, and spirit.
Harmonic Egg® energy medicine is based on a scientific and experimental foundation based on ancient and quantum science, integrative medicine and new state-of-the-art medical research that uses light, sound, acoustics and resonance whose frequencies and vibration are exponentiated. by its sacred geometry, thus activating the natural ability of the human body to restore its equilibrium and balance.

Bio Resonance and Sacred Geometry Working Together

We are already part of that great Harmonic Egg® family worldwide, today we are working hand in hand with its creator and developer Gail Lynn from the United States. Its rapid growth in the USA and in other countries (more than 150 Harmonic Egg® in the world) makes us feel part of that great change that our Gaia needs.
Vibrational Energy Medicine (MEV) is a combination of color, light and sound therapies that help revitalize and harmonize the body, achieving physical, mental and emotional well-being. This therapeutic process where Harmonic Egg® bases its work, being non-invasive as well as pleasant with very good and important results.
Chronic pain, migraine, neuralgia, sports injuries, anxiety, Parkinson’s, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, fibromyalgia, post-surgical recovery, post-traumatic stress, Lyme disease, migraine, COVD-19, anesthesia detox, diabetic neuropathies .
There are many stories of recovery and improvement that support the vibrational therapy of the Harmonic Egg® worldwide.
The Harmonic Egg® offers many benefits to your body, mind and soul, fully working our energy healing, helping us to:
- Manage anxiety, chronic stress, migraines and depression.
- Injuries and pain, especially chronic pain.
- Diseases and ailments in general ranging from autoimmune issues, infections, management of side effects of some treatments, etc…
- Mental clarity, concentration improvement.
- Spiritual healing.
- It is also of great help as a preventive therapy to revitalize your body. (Amplify the Power of your Intention)
- It will change your vibration and have a positive effect on your level of consciousness.
- Enhances and promotes creativity.
- Stimulates brain activity.
- Works on the reprogramming of ancestral inheritance, past lives and limiting beliefs as well
It is also of great help as a preventive therapy to revitalize your body.
In all your sessions you WILL DETOX on a physical, mental and above all emotional level! Fears, traumas, worries and toxic emotions whether you are aware of them or not… Get them out of your system. In a 50-minute session at the Harmonic Egg® you can achieve this cleanse or “release” with great benefits for your health!
Energy harmonization produces healing at all levels and allows you to achieve your full potential.

Ancient cultures such as China, Tibetan, Vedic and Andean, among other cultures, knew and used music, sounds and their vibration waves to manage their health and general well-being. Today, through different studies with scientific bases, it informs us of the effect of vibration on physical matter, where through analysis and research we can observe that slow music can decrease our respiratory and heart rate, reducing pressure and body temperature. These vibrations are used to combat heart disorders and hypertension. Melodies with frequencies between 40 and 66 hertz can work on our body, reducing our muscle tension. Music can also work at the cellular level, relating it to the secretion of endorphins, those natural sedatives that enhance anesthetic effects. In addition, music can change our mood in a positive way, essential to strengthen our immune system.
discount on the first session
Changing the frequency of humanity, one soul at a time
In all your sessions you WILL DETOX on a physical, mental and above all emotional level! Fears, traumas, worries and toxic emotions whether you are aware of them or not… Get them out of your system. In a 50-minute session at the Harmonic Egg you can achieve this cleansing or “release” with great benefits for your health!
Statements made or services provided through this website or by the Company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials about the technology are given voluntarily and do not represent the views of the Company. The services provided by the Company are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.